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Pomiń łącza nawigacji

Wall shelf with containers (4 pcs of 0.9 l containers)

Cat. No.:
Netto price:
83,00 PLN/ pcs.
depth with containers125mm
Max load6kg
container cat. No. 23626 with dimensions
(W x Ht x D): 203 x 75 x 140 [mm]
packed in a cardboard box with dimensions [W x D x H]850 x 175 x 120mm
Product description
Wall shelf with containers - shelf made of galvanized steel sheet - the set includes 4 containers 0.9l (catalog no. 23626) - containers of the same size can be placed in one shelf Recommended at assembly stations, for picking, in a shop, warehouse and for storing small items.

Dane firmy

JOTKEL Jan Krzywonos Spółka komandytowa z siedzibą w Krotoszynie
63-700 Krotoszyn ul. Wiejska 43
zarejestrowana w Sądzie Rejonowym w Poznaniu Nowe Miasto i Wilda Wydział IX Gospodarczy pod nr KRS 0000517804
NIP: 621-181-34-30
REGON: 302780961

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